Michela Sorrentino
Serendipity on Salt Spring Island
Serendipity, is an interesting word “the phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for”.

Serendipitous is how I would describe my connection with Michela Sorrentino. After finishing our Ontario Lake house in 2018, I was faced with a blank canvas, white walls everywhere I looked. As we wanted the house to be part of a new adventure in our lives, I was reluctant to move the paintings we already had at our other house to this new space because they seemed happy where they were.
Noodling around one day on the internet I found myself looking at a selection of paintings that I instantly loved. Their bright colours, and organic yet linear shapes, echoed the tones I had applied to my stairs and hallway seating. Without hesitation, I bought three.

Visiting Michela’s studio this summer was such a treat. Her house sits upon the hilltop above her horse farm in Salt Spring. The inside of her home is calm and aesthetically pleasing, yet relaxed enough to allow for creation and fun. We introduced ourselves over tea and marvellous lime cookies and the conversation flowed such that I almost forgot why I was there. Michela is one of the most interesting people I have ever met. We talked about works on paper as opposed to canvas, about form, function, mood, our travels and past lives. All of that brings inspiration.
She let me look through all of her paintings and works' in progress at her studio. Later, she generously allowed me to roam through her house, take in the scenery and experience her world view.

Michela explained, “This past while I've been making patterns. Patterns with dots, patterns with stripes. I think that’s all I could do in the face of all that's happening in the world and with me personally”.
Michela’s patterns hung on the walls of her studio, clipped to hangers along a string - a complete riot of shapes and colours. Repetitive patterns of dots, swirls of colour, stripes and the occasional word written in repetition made for a luxurious combination. “I'm not sure what I'll do with them yet. They're just waiting for me,” said Michela.

With her help, I chose a few of her works to take along with me. I think some of them may end up in the lakehouse as somehow her pacific view seems to align with the mood of the view of the water in Prince Edward County, Ontario.
One day, we hope Halfpenny Postage will collaborate with Michela to develop a collection of cards using her works as the inspiration. In the meantime, I'll look forward to visiting her studio again once more and perhaps enjoying another conversation over tea.